OUB no longer charges tuition for camps other than a nominal registration fee. Due to special funding from the Elks Major Project Commission and Grand Rapids Community Foundation, scholarships are available to low-income families for our registration fees. Please contact Gwen for more information.
OUB has limited funds to assist with transportation and may be able to provide transportation to camp for your child. Your local Lions Club, or other local social service club may assist with transportation funds for your child to attend camp. You will need to contact them EARLY, as many clubs do not meet in the summer.
How you can help!
Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind is a private non-profit organization that is solely dedicated to helping children and young adults who are blind or have low vision build life skills, self-confidence and independence. Parents and guardians should understand that a camp like ours, with a more than one-to-one staff to camper ratio, is very expensive to operate. OUB would very much appreciate your willingness to attend a meeting of a supporter of OUB Camps, such as a local Lions Club, to express in your own words how much our camps mean to your child and your family.
Lions Clubs of Michigan
Many Lions Clubs of Michigan have helped support Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind. Many towns in Michigan have clubs. You can help us by contacting your local club and asking if you can share your experience with OUB Camps with them. To find one near you, go to the Lions International website.
Other philanthropic organizations that might be willing to help are:
Your church, synagogue, or house of worship The Knights of Columbus
The Kiwanis The Rotary Club
Optimist Clubs Moose Lodges
Masonic Lodges Elks Lodges